Nicaraga Catuai Natural Medium Roasted

ニカラグア カトゥアイ ナチュラル中深煎り






遡ること四世代前。Zacarias Blandon(ザカリアス ブランドン)がニカラグアが1960年代に、ニカラグアにある海抜1,400mのJinotega山(ヒノテガ山)の山中でコーヒー豆の栽培を始めたことから始まります。高地栽培はに中途夜の寒暖差により栄養を蓄えて完熟するのでコーヒー豆の栽培にはうってつけの場所でしたが、大雨や天候による困難な時期も多かったそうですが、世代を重ねるごとに栽培プロセスを更新し、改善されて今にいたっているそうです。








Catuai Natural coffee beans from a small farm in Nicaragua : only available at Enoya in Japan!

Going back four generations. It all began in the 1960s when Zacarias Blandon began growing coffee beans in the mountains of Mount Jinotega, located 1,400 meters above sea level in Nicaragua. Cultivation at high altitudes was a perfect place to grow coffee beans due to the temperature difference in the middle of the night allows them to store nutrients and reach full ripeness.

However, there were many difficult times because of heavy rain and weather, but as the generations passed, they continued to grow coffee beans. The process has been updated and improved by generations until now.

Rebecca, the fourth generation, opened the cafe Stemma in Florida which represents their coffee beans when the third generation(Rebecca’s dad) passed, and the shop now roasting and selling roasted coffee beans as a whole seller.

This led to meet her. I, as the second generation of Enoya, lost my dad and Rebecca lost his father in the same month of the same year, Enoya and Stemma opened in the same month of the same year. We immediately hit it off because we had a lot in common.

This farm grows many Arabica varieties. Even the same Arabica varieties have completely different tastes depending on the brand, so Stemma’s Roaster roasts them to suit their characteristics.

The second generation of Enoya has been thoroughly taught by Stemma’s Roaster how to check roasting quality and cupping, and he I passed/shared this information to Enoya’s Roaster, delivering Rebecca’s thoughts to Japan.


*The last two photos : Rebecca’s dad at the farm, and Rebecca and her mom Maria are in the center/ the Roaster at most right/staff

200g 900円増を選択
在庫状態 : 入荷待ち
¥1,300 ¥900(税込)
